1991 B.A. Metro State University
Human Service Administration
1987 D.C.Palmer College of Chiropractic
1981 A.A Piles Peak community College Child Development
1998 – 1993 Associate Professor in Pediatrics
Northwestern College of Chiropractic
1991 – Present
Twelve-Hour Postgraduate Seminars
Twenty-Hour Workshop Series
1988 - 1989 Private Practice in Santa Clara, CA
1989 - 1993 NHSU Clinician
1993 - 2004 Private Practice in Minneapolis, MN
2005 – 2017 Private Practice in Annapolis, MD
1. ICA International Pediatric Conference
Care of a Special Needs Child: A single case report - 1993
2. ICSM Research Conference
Chiropractic Care, Including Craniosacral Therapy, During Pregnancy: A static-group comparison of obstetric interventions during labor and delivery. - 1993
3. Congress of Chiropractic Educators
Pediatric Training in the College Setting -1992
4. ICA International Pediatric Conference ADD/ADHD: Single case report - 1991
5. Congress of Chiropractic Educators: Proposal on Advanced Pediatric Training –1990
1. Contributing Author, Pediatric Chiropractic. Williams and Wilkins Chapter 10: Craniosacral
Therapy. 1998:424-454
2. An Effective Drug-Free Approach to Premature Contractions. ICA Review Oct 98: 77-81
3. Back Labor: A Possible Solution for a Painful Situation. ICA Review July/August 97: 51-55
4. Birth Trauma-Antibiotic Abuse-Vaccine Reaction: A Single Case Report ICA Review.
Sept/0ct 96: 57-64
5. Chiropractic Care, Including Craniosacral Therapy, During Pregnancy: A Static-group Comparison of Obstetric Interventions During Labor and Delivery. JMPT Oct 95; 18,8: 525-529
1. Owner and Founder of New Dawn Publishing
2. Author, Hands of Love: Seven Steps to the Miracle of Birth. 2001
3. Exe. Producer of Hands of Love: Witnessing the Miracle of Birth. 2002
4. Exe. Producer of Craniosacral/Myofascial Therapy: 6-Hr Training 2002
5. Exe. Producer of Prenatal Chiropractic Protocol: 1 Hr. Training 2003